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What is

Every day, churches, non-profits, and government agencies provide rent assistance, supplemental food, baby supplies, gas vouchers, and more. Yet, none of these organizations can meet every need present in the community. provides tools for benevolence ministries and compassionate aid providers to collaborate and maximize their impact.

How works

  1. Churches, non-profits, and government agencies register with and tell us what resources or services they offer in the community. For instance, Church X may offer gas cards, and Agency Z may offer rental assistance.
  2. Jane Doe comes to Church X looking for help with rent.
  3. Church X searches for area organizations offering rental assistance and connects Jane to Agency Z.

But wait, there's more!

  • Reduce abuse. When Agency Z helps Jane Doe with rent, the rest of's members know about it. Jane cannot go door to door getting far more rent assistance than she needs.
  • Identify deeper needs. is designed to identify patterns. If a person is regularly needing help, it will suggest additional resources to help them break the cycle.