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Give Help

Welcome to! Our mission is simple: we are creating a network of churches, organizations, and agencies working together to meet the needs of our neighbors.

More specifically, provides a means for members to collaborate on benevolent and emergency aid to their communities. This collaboration enables members to:

  • Share resources,
  • Reduce abuse, and
  • Increase Effectiveness.

The information below explains a little bit about how it works.

Share resources

Every member brings a unique array of resources to the table. From the most basic information to the most comprehensive aid program, puts it all "out there" for other members and even people in need to find. So if Anytown Church doesn't have what John Doe needs, they can quickly help him discover who does.

Reduce abuse

Every aid organization, sooner or later, is confronted by the reality of abuse. By allowing members to log clients, track activity, and share that information with the rest of the network, makes it easier to spot people who are abusing the system. So if Jane Doe has been to three churches in the last week looking for the same thing, you'll know about it.

Increase effectiveness

We all know it's better to teach a man to fish than to simply give him a fish. can help you spot patterns that may identify deeper needs. For instance, if John Doe has needed help with his utility bill each of the last six months, will suggest you ask about his job situation so you can learn that he's been out of work for almost a year.

By addressing these deeper needs, the effectiveness of the entire network is increased.

Join Now!

Ready to sign up? It's easy and free. Just click here and tell us a little about your organization and what it does!

Quick Facts

  • Free to sign up!
  • No ongoing membership fees
  • Track clients and activity across organizations
  • Quickly find resources for those in need

Join now! »